Episode 4: Dex Takes a Holiday

Season 4

Original Air Date—18 October 2009
With Rita away with the kids away attending a cousin's wedding, Dexter finally has the freedom to find another victim. He focuses on Zoey Kruger, a police officer whose husband and child were killed in a house invasion. The blood evidence suggests that she may have actually planted evidence to incriminate a known thief and was in fact responsible herself for the killing. She hears of Dexter's investigation and warns him off in no uncertain terms, but he decides to go ahead anyway. Debra is spending more and more time with ex-Agent Frank Lundy and helping in his pursuit of the Trinity killer. Her boyfriend Anton has noticed but she assures him he has nothing to worry about. Unexpected events forces Debra to re-evaluate her relationships. The Trinity Killer realizes that Lundy may be on to him. Det. Quinn is still sleeping with reporter Christine Hill but she may have stepped over the line with her latest story. Laguerta and Angel Batista argue whether they should inform their superiors of their relationship.
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