Episode 3: Blinded by the Light

Season 4

Original Air Date—11 October 2009
Dexter is facing some marriage and parenting challenges. Rita is mothering him somewhat after the accident and is not allowing him to drive, as per the doctor's orders. Step-daughter Astor is growing up and everything Dexter does seems to be the wrong thing. The neighborhood watch committee goes into action when someone vandalizes property. Dexter soon has a bead on the likely culprit and decides to put his own skills to work. The Trinity Killer strikes again but Debra and ex-Agent Lundy are the only ones who seem to think the death is part of the serial killer's work. Spending a lot of time with Lundy may not be good for her relationship Anton, however. Still worried about what Dexter saw, Joey Quinn continues to try and make nice. He's also still feeding information to the journalist he's sleeping with.
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