Michael C. Hall recovers from cancer


Jennifer Carpenter has announced that Michael C. Hall has made a full recovery and is back to work!

From BBC News:

"Hall, 39, announced in January he had been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer that attacks the lymph nodes.
Carpenter said Hall had been "incredibly brave" to make his condition public. In his award-winning role, Hall plays Dexter Morgan, a Miami police analyst who moonlights as a serial killer.
Hall went into remission and continued treatment at a health centre near Los Angeles.
Dexter has been a big hit with viewers on both sides of the Atlantic and Hall has won much praise for his performance.
Earlier this year, the actor won a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Golden Globe Award.
In the show Dexter is a serial killer who targets other murderers. Carpenter also stars as Dexter's seemingly unknowing sister"
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